In one word: Stewardship.

Why did we want to restore our family farmland?   

LAND & FOOD: We wanted to bring positive change to both the land & its surrounding communities through sustainable restoration of our family century farms that had been the lifeblood for all they touched for generations. We experienced a broken food system, and had a passion to become a meaningful part of its change.

COMMUNITY & EDUCATION: We needed both quality & quantity of time together in places that would enable us to be present & mindful, and to provide that opportunity to others. We believe in the ability for a farm to be a connected center for learning, wellness & celebration, and in creating spaces for those experiences. 

WHAT WE DO: All things on our farms are interconnected through natural cycles. Salvaged & end-of-life wood fuel mushroom growth & wood craft. Bees make honey from our flowers, heirloom crops & hardwood trees. Bees pollinate their food sources to enable healthy, regenerative cycles to begin again. We then turn the harvest into artisanal goods, and invite others to experience that process.             

We invite you join us as we continue to learn and grow. We are honored and humbled to have the opportunity to restore these farms, using their rich history as foundations for the future for all to enjoy.